Warning: By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the original PDF version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY OUTCOME OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE CALL-IN held electronically on 9 December 2011 PARTICIPATING MEMBERS Peter Argyle Eleanor Mackintosh Duncan Bryden Willie McKenna Angela Douglas Gordon Riddler Katrina Farquhar Gregor Rimell Marcus Humphrey Brian Wood Gregor Hutcheon Allan Wright APOLOGIES: Jaci Douglas Mary McCafferty David Green Martin Price Kate Howie NO RESPONSE RECEIVED: Dave Fallows Ian Mackintosh 1. The CNPA has taken a decision to trail the use of electronic systems to carry out its Call-in meetings. 2. Members were able to view the Call-in presentation on the CNPA website (www.cairngorms.co.uk) between 12.00 noon on Wednesday 7 December and 9.00am on Friday 9 December 2011. 3. Apologies were received from the above Members. DECLARATION OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS ON ANY ITEMS APPEARING ON THE CALL-IN PRESENTATION 4. Peter Argyle declared a direct interest in Planning Application No. 2011/0392/DET, due to knowing the Applicant. 5. Marcus Humphrey declared a direct interest in Planning Application No. 2011/0392/DET, due to the Applicant being a fellow Board Member of BRD Ltd. 6. Gordon Riddler declared a direct interest in Planning Application No. 2011/0393/DET, due to being a direct neighbour of the Applicant. PLANNING APPLICATION CALL-IN DECISIONS (Electronic Presentation, prepared by Mary Grier, Planning Officer) 7. 2011/0380/DET - No Call-in 8. 2011/0381/DET -No Call-in 9. 2011/0382/DET -No Call-in 10. 2011/0383/DET - Construction of additional wastewater treatment infrastructure (above and underground) associated with upgrading Wastewater Treatment Works on land north-east of existing Works and south of railway line (Revised proposal ref 09/191/FULBS (09/255/CP) At Wastewater Treatment Works, Manse Road, Kingussie The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason: The development involves significant upgrading and extension of the existing Waste Water Treatment Works, which would involve the construction of additional infrastructure in the form of storage tanks, pumping stations and other associated plant equipment alongside substantial landscaping proposals. The proposal, located on the edge of the settlement, would significantly alter the character and appearance of the immediate area. As such it is considered to raise issues in terms of landscape, natural and cultural heritage, social and economic considerations and other site sensitivities and is therefore of significance to the collective aims of the National Park. 11. 2011/0384/DET - No Call-in 12. 2011/0385/DET - No Call-in 13. 2011/0386/MSC - No Call-in 14. 2011/0387/DET - No Call-in 15. 2011/0388/DET - No Call-in 16. 2011/0389/DET - No Call-in 17. 2011/0390/PPP - No Call-in 18. 2011/0391/DET - No Call-in 19. 2011/0392/DET - No Call-in 20. 2011/0393/DET - Proposed installation of external plant At Waltzing Waters, Main Street, Newtonmore PH20 1DR The decision was to call-in the application for the following reason: The proposed development is of linked significance to a previous proposal on the site which was permitted by the CNPA. The development is currently on-going and has been the subject of investigation and monitoring by the CNPA. The current proposal is considered to raise a range of issues with regard to business development, building layout and design and is of general significance to the collective aims of the Cairngorms National Park. 21. 2011/0394/DET - No Call-in 22. 2011/0395/DET - No Call-in 23. 2011/0396/DET - No Call-in COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 24. The Members wished to make comments to the Local Authorities on the following Planning Application No's: 25. 2011/0382/DET - Erection of two houses (one with additional "granny flat") and garages At Plots 1 And 5, The Brae, Kincraig. A core path (LBS128) is located adjacent to the proposed sites. The path should be kept free of obstruction during the course of construction and at all times thereafter. 26. 2011/0386/MSC - Erection of House At Land 20m South Of Camusmore, Coylumbridge, Aviemore . In the interests of conserving and enhancing the natural and cultural heritage of the area, it is recommended that revisions should be made to the design concept to more appropriately reflect the scale, proportions and traditional features of houses in the immediate vicinity. Consideration should also be given to the orientation of the dwelling, to present a traditional frontage on the roadside elevation. 27. 2011/0388/DET - Erection of house with integral garage At Development Site To South Of 17 And 18 B, Cromdale. Having regard to CNP Local Plan policies, including Policy 6 - Landscape and Policy 16 - Design Standards for Development, and the CNP's Sustainable Design Guide, it is suggested that significant revisions should be made to the design, to introduce a design which is more appropriate to its setting and reflects the scale, proportions and traditional features of other properties in the vicinity. 28. 2011/0389/DET - Erection of new garage (retrospective) At 15 Rowan Park, Carrbridge PH23 3BE. The CNPA wish to express disappointment at the retrospective nature of this planning application. 29. 2011/0390/PPP - Erection of Dwellinghouse and Garage At Site to West of Ivy Cottage, Strathdon AB36 8XB. In the event of consideration being given to the granting of planning permission, the Planning Authority should satisfy itself that the proposal accords with Policy 21 (Housing Development in Rural Groups) and CNP's Supplementary Planning Guidance on 'Housing Development in Rural Building Groups.' 30. 2011/0391/DET - Change of Use of Land, Alterations and Extension to Dwellinghouse and Erection of Boundary Fence At Ettrick Croft, Dinnet, Aboyne AB34 5NX . Having regard to the traditional character and proportions of the existing dwelling house, and in the context of the first aim of the National Park, which includes conserving and enhancing the cultural heritage of the area, it is recommended that revisions are made to the proposed porch extension on the southern (front) elevation in order to create a design which is sympathetic to the original property and offers greater aesthetic enhancement than the current proposal. 31. The planning officers noted these comments and were delegated with the responsibility of whether or not to submit the comments to the Local Authorities.